’tis the Season

So it’s official. I am terrible at remembering to post shop updates. It has been busy, busy, busy here at the shop and I, for one, am so thankful for these opportunities.

And… I wrote those two sentences in October. It is now December 23rd and I officially suck at blogging. A lot has happened though. I printed a huge order of 288 hoodies, front and back; an order of 24 race team tees, front, back and sleeve in two colors; an order for another 100 tees with front, back and sleeve in multiple colors; a couple orders of 36 tees in multiple colors on front and back; jackets, more hoodies and tees and about 3000 impressions later… I think my arms are going to fall off. I am not complaining though. I had a blast with it all and I have learned a lot with each order. I have to say, I think the hoodies were my favorite out of them all. Even though they were the least profitable, and the simplest design. They were the most fun to just work on day in and day out while I had them.

Some changes are coming in the new year. First and foremost. I have been using a heat press to cure all the ink in the screen printing production. This is a very time consuming process! It gives a fantastic hand feel, but it takes forever to get a simple job completed. So, I have ordered a conveyor dryer. It will half my production time and double my output. Hell to the yeah on that one! The next change is that I am looking into doing embroidery. I’m in the looking stage but I think I have found a company and a machine that will make us all very, very happy. So, if I can pull that off sooner rather than later… by George, I think we might have some real services to offer to everyone!

Now, being that it is nearly Christmas, I feel the need to really thank those that have been my biggest supporters. The obvious being my husband, Allen. Without him, I wouldn’t have the confidence to start this. My customers. I mean, duh. The folks at Advance Boiler has been instrumental in giving me the opportunity to do this by giving me the chance to do their shirts and jackets. If your business has a boiler, please use them for all your boiler needs. They support me, so lets support them. My friends at Traster Racing. Those guys are just some good ol’ folks that race year round. They have their littles racing in go karts during the winter and the adults (and one of the kids) race big cars in the summer and they let me decorate some of their cars (and karts). By the way, Lane Traster (a 12 year old kid) could use some sponsorship for his racing. Hell, just go to one of his races and see the raw talent this kid has and you would be crazy not to want to invest in his future.

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone finds a moment of love and joy with their friends and family this holiday break. Get fat, have some spirit(s) and spread love. Merry Christmas!

It’s been a minute…

Alright, alright… I know! I’m terrible about posting updates in a timely fashion. So let’s not hesitate any longer.

So I last blogged at the beginning of June. A lot has been going on. From lettering race cars to printing shirts to lettering a couple work vehicles for a HVAC company to trying to modify and upgrade this website (not my forte) and printing some shop rags for a car show. In the middle of all this, I also broke a finger and our son got married to his high school sweetheart.

So yeah… this happened.

If you are completely confused. It’s understandable. A lot has changed. A lot is really changing here are Gasworks Graphics too. New website. It’s very naked right now, but I do plan on getting some great stuff added here soon. I changed webhosts. It’s always a big production when I do that. Kind of like reinventing the wheel. Who doesn’t like a shiny new set of rims? Am I right?

Another upgrade happening here. We are taking the big plunge from glorified Cricut Queen to full on Screen Printer. So, whether you want a single item that has dynamic color range or you need a full run of apparel with up to 4 colors; we gotchu.

Don’t be mistaken. We haven’t left behind the cotton sublimation or the heat transfer vinyl or even the vinyl decals. We absolutely still do all of that. We have simply expanded to meet everyone’s needs. For anything else I don’t yet do in-house; call me anyway. I would bet I know who can help you out.

Long story short, because we all know I’m not much of a talker. Cool shit is going down at Gasworks.